
Verse of the day

कँ आनानीलाई नक झारा खाची लोनानीकबो कँपी आनानी छानीमा साङ तनूम् ग्‍यँमा ह। साप्‍तेमूलूङ्‍पी आनानी छीनीलो आनानी कास्‍टा तूनूम्, माताधँसँ कँदीम्‍नाचीनी यँमाधँ साप्‍तेमूलूङ्‍लो कँ जीताछँक तूई।”

John 16:33

Sampang Audio Bible

Matthew 1
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"...Blessed are those who hear the word of God..." (Luke 11:28)

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17)

Download the Word of God for free and listen anytime, anywhere! We are happy to announce the release of the Audio Bible in the Sampang language. You can download MP3 files, listen online from our website, or download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple Store.


Sampang Other Resources

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Sampang Gospel Films

Mark 1:1-29
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Download free Christian movies in any language of God's word, and watch them anytime, anywhere! You can download video files from our website, watch them online, or download the app from Google Play Store or Apple Store. You can also watch it on YouTube in Aawaz Nepali.


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